EBB'S E-TALK: To my beautiful classmates -This past week I had been deeply touched with the outpouring of appreciative e-mails from many of you. Your caring support meant a lot to me. You made me feel like a queen eating a delicious "crispy pata" on a royal plate. I could still eat this. Hindi pa bawal sa akin. I hope your inspiring comments will never end. When we started this blog last June, there were only 3 of us, Puri, Sari and me. Then Cora joined us. Then Cherrie. Later Wena joined too. Now, it's amazing that many are speaking up and sharing their life experiences. I didn't expect this blog will keep us all close together in just three months. And that's something to celebrate.
On the other hand, Celia is our guest writer on this blog. I haven't seen Celia Arreza since high school graduation but I couldn't forget our valedictorian. I am sorry that I don't have lots of things to say about her. She's very quiet and I have no idea why? Puri is our connector or bridge to Celia, now known as Celia Arreza Espiritu. These articles were e-mailed to Puri. With Celia's permission, I am posting it for others to read. Here's are series of Celia's chronicle on Goodbye to Cory.
CELIA"S CHRONICLE: PART I - Watching the events of the last three days unfold from the time of Cory's wake in La Salle Greenhills to the 5 hour procession to Manila Cathedral to the Necrological services and then yesterday's 7 hour funeral to Manila Memorial Park, brought back memories of twwenty-some years ago when I was very active in street marches. Soon after Ninoy was assasinated, I found myself on the streets with hundreds of Pinoys like me who were indignantly protesting the Marcos dictatorship. With our yellow tshirts on emblazoned with Ninoy's bespectacled face and punctuated with the words Hindi Ka Nagiisa, and flashing the now famous L as in Laban sign, I braved the crowds, the heat, the rain and discomfort of the marches - in Makati, Roxas Blvd and parts of Edsa - all for a cause -to bring down the dictator of 20 years who had crossed the line. At that time, my children had not known of any other President than Marcos so when they too joined my husband and myself onthose street protests, it must have been more of a fun walk than the militant march that it was. But we were determined to make them a part of history. We were a drop in that sea of yellow that covered Luneta Park right in front of the grandstand. On the surface there was a fiesrta atmosphere but beneath it all, there was a seething hatred for the man who was blamed to have cause it all.
Sorry I had to cut my message. Roby came back after a futile attempt to tee off in stormy weather. Needless to say, he's nooot in a good moood. Part Two. I attended the NOW movement headed by Eva Estrada Kalaw - an all-women initiative to organize us to reach more women to join the marches and press the dictator to the wall. Whenever I was in those marches, I felt hatred and anger but never fear. Even if it meant coming face to face with a phalanx of soldiers blocking our way with shields (as tall as myself) in one hand and truncheons on the other. That was in 1983, the year Ninoy died, the following year, my participation was cut short when I found out I had an ovarian cyst that needed surgery. (I thought that the discomfort I felt on my lower abdomen was due to sitting on hot pavements and walking for hours and so I ignored it cause it was bearable and flared up only just before my period.) In 1984, I had a total hysterectomy and as soon as Irecovered, I was back in the streets again only this time, I felt different. Gone was the anger and hatred for Marcos. In its place was PITY for the dicator for his greed and lust for power that blinded him to the needs of his people and LOVE for my country. What happened to me on that hospital bed is another story. Fearing for my life and hating the prospect of leaving my children orphans, my youngest being 8 yrs old) I had given my life over to Jesus (in exchange) and He changed my heart to His. (I got the better end of the bargain, but that's how God is.) God doesn't hate people - he hates sin. And as I again walked the streets, I too began to see the dictator (and us ) the way God saw us - with compassion. And as I looked up at the skies with fingers forming the L sign, I understood that if all those hands pointing to heaven where to be in prayer, then God would heal our land. There's an inscription on the Edsa shrine that quotes a bible verse thatsays that if we turn away from wickedness, turn to God and PRAY, that he (God) will heal our land. Yes, there's to be a turing away from wickedness and a turning towards God first, then praying to him that would bring results. By this time, the sea of yellow was punctuated by waves of red, making the movement stronger - until it turned to a tsunami that crashed Malacanang's gates forcing Marcos was to leave.
I fought back tears As I watched the events of Cory's funeral unfold before - my eyes. This woman who willingly allowed herself to be used by God as - an instrument to restore our freedom , who in her humility was exalted by God to sit with the most powerful leaders of the modern world, this ordinary woman who had an extraordinary calling to save the Filipino people.She was honest, sincere and brave. She was not perfect but was made perfect in weakness. She united us as a nation - she was our much-needed rallying point so that we could regroup amidst the corruption and political turmoil, to bve ready to free the last of the chains that still bind us. And I believe that was why the mourners who walked the streets, braving the heat, the crowds, the rains, the floods, the hunger and thirst to bring her to her final resting place did not give up. They were renewed with hopes for a better nation. She was truly the hope of our nation - Cory, ang Pagasa ng Bayan. As big in death as in life. There are talks of elevating her to the status of a national hero, but lest we forget, she was a mother first and the sacrifices that she made - losing her husband, her privacy, precious time-with her children as they were growing up all make that award more meanin-ful. Not all heroes can claim that.
CELIA"S CHRONICLE: PART I - Watching the events of the last three days unfold from the time of Cory's wake in La Salle Greenhills to the 5 hour procession to Manila Cathedral to the Necrological services and then yesterday's 7 hour funeral to Manila Memorial Park, brought back memories of twwenty-some years ago when I was very active in street marches. Soon after Ninoy was assasinated, I found myself on the streets with hundreds of Pinoys like me who were indignantly protesting the Marcos dictatorship. With our yellow tshirts on emblazoned with Ninoy's bespectacled face and punctuated with the words Hindi Ka Nagiisa, and flashing the now famous L as in Laban sign, I braved the crowds, the heat, the rain and discomfort of the marches - in Makati, Roxas Blvd and parts of Edsa - all for a cause -to bring down the dictator of 20 years who had crossed the line. At that time, my children had not known of any other President than Marcos so when they too joined my husband and myself onthose street protests, it must have been more of a fun walk than the militant march that it was. But we were determined to make them a part of history. We were a drop in that sea of yellow that covered Luneta Park right in front of the grandstand. On the surface there was a fiesrta atmosphere but beneath it all, there was a seething hatred for the man who was blamed to have cause it all.
Sorry I had to cut my message. Roby came back after a futile attempt to tee off in stormy weather. Needless to say, he's nooot in a good moood. Part Two. I attended the NOW movement headed by Eva Estrada Kalaw - an all-women initiative to organize us to reach more women to join the marches and press the dictator to the wall. Whenever I was in those marches, I felt hatred and anger but never fear. Even if it meant coming face to face with a phalanx of soldiers blocking our way with shields (as tall as myself) in one hand and truncheons on the other. That was in 1983, the year Ninoy died, the following year, my participation was cut short when I found out I had an ovarian cyst that needed surgery. (I thought that the discomfort I felt on my lower abdomen was due to sitting on hot pavements and walking for hours and so I ignored it cause it was bearable and flared up only just before my period.) In 1984, I had a total hysterectomy and as soon as Irecovered, I was back in the streets again only this time, I felt different. Gone was the anger and hatred for Marcos. In its place was PITY for the dicator for his greed and lust for power that blinded him to the needs of his people and LOVE for my country. What happened to me on that hospital bed is another story. Fearing for my life and hating the prospect of leaving my children orphans, my youngest being 8 yrs old) I had given my life over to Jesus (in exchange) and He changed my heart to His. (I got the better end of the bargain, but that's how God is.) God doesn't hate people - he hates sin. And as I again walked the streets, I too began to see the dictator (and us ) the way God saw us - with compassion. And as I looked up at the skies with fingers forming the L sign, I understood that if all those hands pointing to heaven where to be in prayer, then God would heal our land. There's an inscription on the Edsa shrine that quotes a bible verse thatsays that if we turn away from wickedness, turn to God and PRAY, that he (God) will heal our land. Yes, there's to be a turing away from wickedness and a turning towards God first, then praying to him that would bring results. By this time, the sea of yellow was punctuated by waves of red, making the movement stronger - until it turned to a tsunami that crashed Malacanang's gates forcing Marcos was to leave.
I fought back tears As I watched the events of Cory's funeral unfold before - my eyes. This woman who willingly allowed herself to be used by God as - an instrument to restore our freedom , who in her humility was exalted by God to sit with the most powerful leaders of the modern world, this ordinary woman who had an extraordinary calling to save the Filipino people.She was honest, sincere and brave. She was not perfect but was made perfect in weakness. She united us as a nation - she was our much-needed rallying point so that we could regroup amidst the corruption and political turmoil, to bve ready to free the last of the chains that still bind us. And I believe that was why the mourners who walked the streets, braving the heat, the crowds, the rains, the floods, the hunger and thirst to bring her to her final resting place did not give up. They were renewed with hopes for a better nation. She was truly the hope of our nation - Cory, ang Pagasa ng Bayan. As big in death as in life. There are talks of elevating her to the status of a national hero, but lest we forget, she was a mother first and the sacrifices that she made - losing her husband, her privacy, precious time-with her children as they were growing up all make that award more meanin-ful. Not all heroes can claim that.
I wonder what happened to our salutatorian- Susan Vergara? Any clue or hint?
From Ebb: A million thanks to those who took the time to e-mail me. Here are the heartwarming comments from many classmates:
1. From Puri: Ebb, once again thank you for religiously posting weekly despite your packing up your household.
Senior Tessie, I'm used to calling you Chola. What accomplished sons you have. Your sister Luz and family vacationed in Honolulu according to Hana and they were supposed to get together.
Hana was happy to read our blog and look at photos of our classmates. Its her bday on Sept 1st. She's the first of the 5 Bayanihan debutants who turned 18 while we were on tour in 1961. Then it was Seng,Teresita Principe on Oct 20, then
From Ebb: A million thanks to those who took the time to e-mail me. Here are the heartwarming comments from many classmates:
1. From Puri: Ebb, once again thank you for religiously posting weekly despite your packing up your household.
Senior Tessie, I'm used to calling you Chola. What accomplished sons you have. Your sister Luz and family vacationed in Honolulu according to Hana and they were supposed to get together.
Hana was happy to read our blog and look at photos of our classmates. Its her bday on Sept 1st. She's the first of the 5 Bayanihan debutants who turned 18 while we were on tour in 1961. Then it was Seng,Teresita Principe on Oct 20, then
Ebb, Its really so easy to give up considering what a busy life we lead. We must hang on to each other's words of encouragement to keep going. I appreciate your many talents which you generously impart. Once an artist always an artist. In that sense we are of kindred spirits. good luck on your move and dont break your bionic parts lifting boxes. Puri
2.From Sari: Dear Evelyne, First, let me apologize for being "quiet" and not letting you know that I remain your #1 "tanga-hanga". (I've been entertaining visiting friends and preparing for my long absence from work). Kumareng Puri, though, has been better in expressing how much she appreciates your religious dedication in updating the blog despite your hectic schedule. Cherrie and Eloi expressed the same sentiments. Many of the "readers" will remain quiet, not for lack of appreciation, but that's just the way some people are. Mas gusto nila yong nasa background lang - natutuwang basahin ang blog but you'll never know kasi ganoon lang sila. In the same way na i-ilan lang ang dada ng dada. Para tuloy na may mutual admiration club tayong ma-dada kasi parang tayo lang ang pumupuri sa isa't isa. I do not believe this is the case. Marami kang secret "tanga-hanga". Please continue your commitment sa project na ito. - It has gone beyond our group. Maraming mga tanga-hanga ang project mo. I'll give you more materials to post. I'll start writing about some classmates (pag-balik ko from vacation).I'll be away for 2 1/2 weeks dahil mag-babakasyon ako. Most likely, w/ minimal access sa computer. Lalong mana-nahimik ako (sabi siguro ng iba - ay salamat; they'll get a break from me).With much appreciation,Sari
3. From Cherrie: Hi Ebb, I know I speak for everyone (or at least most of us) when I say that "viewing" the blog is one of the highlights of my day. Unfortunately, I am not quick to reply or to post my thoughts. I know to some of you it is second nature but I think it isn't for most of us so while we chuckle and get amused by what we read, we tend to leave it at that. Rest assured though, that we LOVE the blog and we appreciate your giving us this opportunity to reconnect with one another. Though it isn't until Feb. that we can meet together as one big group, there have been a lot of fun and emotional mini-reunions (even if just by phone), thanks to you.
There were some memories that Teresita Lonzame mentioned that really reminded me of the good ol' days .... I am not usually a lover of cakes but I do remember the marble cake. That was really, really good! I also remember the pancit at the canteen. I usually ate lunch at home because our house was just right outside the backdoor of PWU but I remember getting real excited when I could eat at school. I'll have to comment more when I can re-read TLM's email.
Cora - I'm really glad that you are working hard for our class' Feb. reunion. I agree with Sari. Gerry and Celia are probably overwhelmed (I would be) with the big picture so I am glad you are there for the smaller picture (us).
Remember Ebb, we love the blog, we wouldn't be where we are in our friendships without it. Cherrie
4.From Roselani:Hi Ebb, rest assured that your efforts are very much appreciated. Believe Cherrie, she said it all in defense of the silent members. I am sure that like many of us are they are enjoying the Blog, smiling and giggling at times when reading the interesting bios, and stories of our wonderful yesteryears. Keep it going!
2.From Sari: Dear Evelyne, First, let me apologize for being "quiet" and not letting you know that I remain your #1 "tanga-hanga". (I've been entertaining visiting friends and preparing for my long absence from work). Kumareng Puri, though, has been better in expressing how much she appreciates your religious dedication in updating the blog despite your hectic schedule. Cherrie and Eloi expressed the same sentiments. Many of the "readers" will remain quiet, not for lack of appreciation, but that's just the way some people are. Mas gusto nila yong nasa background lang - natutuwang basahin ang blog but you'll never know kasi ganoon lang sila. In the same way na i-ilan lang ang dada ng dada. Para tuloy na may mutual admiration club tayong ma-dada kasi parang tayo lang ang pumupuri sa isa't isa. I do not believe this is the case. Marami kang secret "tanga-hanga". Please continue your commitment sa project na ito. - It has gone beyond our group. Maraming mga tanga-hanga ang project mo. I'll give you more materials to post. I'll start writing about some classmates (pag-balik ko from vacation).I'll be away for 2 1/2 weeks dahil mag-babakasyon ako. Most likely, w/ minimal access sa computer. Lalong mana-nahimik ako (sabi siguro ng iba - ay salamat; they'll get a break from me).With much appreciation,Sari
3. From Cherrie: Hi Ebb, I know I speak for everyone (or at least most of us) when I say that "viewing" the blog is one of the highlights of my day. Unfortunately, I am not quick to reply or to post my thoughts. I know to some of you it is second nature but I think it isn't for most of us so while we chuckle and get amused by what we read, we tend to leave it at that. Rest assured though, that we LOVE the blog and we appreciate your giving us this opportunity to reconnect with one another. Though it isn't until Feb. that we can meet together as one big group, there have been a lot of fun and emotional mini-reunions (even if just by phone), thanks to you.
There were some memories that Teresita Lonzame mentioned that really reminded me of the good ol' days .... I am not usually a lover of cakes but I do remember the marble cake. That was really, really good! I also remember the pancit at the canteen. I usually ate lunch at home because our house was just right outside the backdoor of PWU but I remember getting real excited when I could eat at school. I'll have to comment more when I can re-read TLM's email.
Cora - I'm really glad that you are working hard for our class' Feb. reunion. I agree with Sari. Gerry and Celia are probably overwhelmed (I would be) with the big picture so I am glad you are there for the smaller picture (us).
Remember Ebb, we love the blog, we wouldn't be where we are in our friendships without it. Cherrie
4.From Roselani:Hi Ebb, rest assured that your efforts are very much appreciated. Believe Cherrie, she said it all in defense of the silent members. I am sure that like many of us are they are enjoying the Blog, smiling and giggling at times when reading the interesting bios, and stories of our wonderful yesteryears. Keep it going!
5. From Gerry: Evelyn, I am in awe of your artwork!
Terribly impressed! I love the opening page with the lechon...and the vibrant colors you use. Am quiet, but truly admire your hard work for our class...and your accomplishments. Keep on trekking! Gerry Tiongson - Osias
6. From Esther: Dear EBB:...ay salamat nagparamdam din si Ate Girl....he he he.....natauhan din. Evelyne, maybe one day in the future we might see each other in San Diego. I have lots of relatives and friends over there. I used to spend my vacation in various cities in California but now (just this year tho) I am tied up at home taking care of my dearest mommy who is 92 yrs old.
It goes without saying that your hard work is very much appreciated ......... I am so happy that it is just a "tampo" letter becoz if you quit the "BLOG" will sink without THE CAPTAIN. Regards, Esther
7. From Bong: Dear EBB AND ALL, I always enjoy your email and blog writings! Am a bit buried with family health problem (siblings) but I really enjoy ALL these jet age fast communication among ALL OF US. (Buti WE reached and get to enjoy this communication advancement esp. wtih old and present pictures and anecdotes shared all over the globe!) This also made possible the quick search and mini-reunions organized by Kumareng Puri, Cherry Silva, and not- at- all-lonely Sari, not to forget the Philippine beauties: Cora, Celia, Gerry, Sylvia ,Lani and Lita (Glad she is IN now with her own email address). Glad to see present pictures of Evelyn Nazareth, Tessie and Nati Ocampo, Teresita Lonzame,Presy Cervantes, Aurora Villanueva, Wena Noble, Eloisa Dizon and Renita Abary. Sorry puro maiden names, parang roll call ano? Really have not seen you guys since the 60's. Love, Patricia "Bong" Arroyo staub (your Gernan DIS connection, haha)PS In case am not so talkative you know why, thanks for your understanding!Wow!!! Just visited our blogspot.
Terribly impressed! I love the opening page with the lechon...and the vibrant colors you use. Am quiet, but truly admire your hard work for our class...and your accomplishments. Keep on trekking! Gerry Tiongson - Osias
6. From Esther: Dear EBB:...ay salamat nagparamdam din si Ate Girl....he he he.....natauhan din. Evelyne, maybe one day in the future we might see each other in San Diego. I have lots of relatives and friends over there. I used to spend my vacation in various cities in California but now (just this year tho) I am tied up at home taking care of my dearest mommy who is 92 yrs old.
It goes without saying that your hard work is very much appreciated ......... I am so happy that it is just a "tampo" letter becoz if you quit the "BLOG" will sink without THE CAPTAIN. Regards, Esther
7. From Bong: Dear EBB AND ALL, I always enjoy your email and blog writings! Am a bit buried with family health problem (siblings) but I really enjoy ALL these jet age fast communication among ALL OF US. (Buti WE reached and get to enjoy this communication advancement esp. wtih old and present pictures and anecdotes shared all over the globe!) This also made possible the quick search and mini-reunions organized by Kumareng Puri, Cherry Silva, and not- at- all-lonely Sari, not to forget the Philippine beauties: Cora, Celia, Gerry, Sylvia ,Lani and Lita (Glad she is IN now with her own email address). Glad to see present pictures of Evelyn Nazareth, Tessie and Nati Ocampo, Teresita Lonzame,Presy Cervantes, Aurora Villanueva, Wena Noble, Eloisa Dizon and Renita Abary. Sorry puro maiden names, parang roll call ano? Really have not seen you guys since the 60's. Love, Patricia "Bong" Arroyo staub (your Gernan DIS connection, haha)PS In case am not so talkative you know why, thanks for your understanding!Wow!!! Just visited our blogspot.
8. From Cora: You did it again Ebb. Ang galing!!Thanks a lot for this "pride of the class". While we are miles and miles apart- our very own spot keeps us attuned to one another.It was so much fun to read the entries. I think I will read it again lateer tonight. There might be portions that I missed.Thanks so much , Ebb, for sharing your talent and time with the class.Cheersdear ebb.
9. From Girlie: How remiss of me.......to show a little appreciation, hindi ko pa magawa...always taking but slow in giving....i had to read your tampo in your email to sari bago pa ako natauhan.
please dont walk away....i really really enjoy reading the blogs so much, im besides myself.....to quote my bf "in the mad"..meaning tamad...what a lame excuse.
rest assured that im always here enjoying the blogs altho quiet lang....mas madaldal in person... you have been warned... sa reunion i mean...huwag na nang tampo ha.... Girlie
10. From Tessie C. -Ebb, I have just returned from a trip to Montreal and Quebec City. Yes, I have just read the PWU blog and seen my family's picture and writeup. Sorry I couldn't furnish you with more appropriate photos for the blog; my other pictures are more than five years old. Have been enjoying the e-mail exchanges among our classmates. Don't be surprised though why I have been "so quiet" cause I think I have been mostly quiet during our high school days. That's why I missed out on so many things. But I have been able to talk to Renita Abary, Evelyn Nazareth, Eloisa Dizon, thanks to the directory listing. I tried to phone Sari a few times before, but without success. Also to Lourdes Morada, as a followup to Sari's connection with her, but so far no reply. Anyway, keep up with the good work, anEbb,
11.From Nati: I know you don't need any more compliments, but here's mine anyway. Actually, what you deserve is an ACCOLADE for the magnificent job you have done in creating and maintaining our BLOG that is now enjoyed by all of us. "Huli man daw at magaling, naihahabol pa rin", so they say (by people much older than us...much, much older!).
Every now and then I join the the talk, but that doesn't give me an excuse not to thank you for making it possible for all of us to talk, to laugh, to sing and most of all --- to bond. Your job isn't easy, and that makes it even more deserving of our gratitude and appreciation. You're the ultimate artist, no doubt about that.
And since this is too long a piece for the Comment Section of the BLOG, I'm taking the liberty of expressing to you and those who helped in creating our BLOG my gratitude and appreciation (Puri: for your literary talent. Your write-ups are always moving and inspiring. I can't tell you how many times I've read your article about Hana and her late husband, Corky. Sari: you must have missed your true calling in life. You should have been a detective. I can't say you did your work under cloak and dagger, but I certainly got the shock of my life when you called. Judging by the ease you seem to have done it, you would have made not just a good detective, but a detective-sergeant, or even a superintendent of the police force by now. Cherrie: Ah, "Cher Ami", what can I say to you that you didn't know yet. I'm sure your job wasn't an easy one either. Thank you for your most sensible thoughts.
I hope I didn't miss acknowledging anybody else for our BLOG. In closing, Ebb, THANKS again. May our BLOG grow even bigger and bind us even closer to one another.
12. From Eloi: I heartily concur with Puri and Cherrie, although I do not write much,words do not come easy to me, I do really enjoy and look forward to the blog. I appreciate the dedication of EBB in nurturing the blog.
9. From Girlie: How remiss of me.......to show a little appreciation, hindi ko pa magawa...always taking but slow in giving....i had to read your tampo in your email to sari bago pa ako natauhan.
please dont walk away....i really really enjoy reading the blogs so much, im besides myself.....to quote my bf "in the mad"..meaning tamad...what a lame excuse.
rest assured that im always here enjoying the blogs altho quiet lang....mas madaldal in person... you have been warned... sa reunion i mean...huwag na nang tampo ha.... Girlie
10. From Tessie C. -Ebb, I have just returned from a trip to Montreal and Quebec City. Yes, I have just read the PWU blog and seen my family's picture and writeup. Sorry I couldn't furnish you with more appropriate photos for the blog; my other pictures are more than five years old. Have been enjoying the e-mail exchanges among our classmates. Don't be surprised though why I have been "so quiet" cause I think I have been mostly quiet during our high school days. That's why I missed out on so many things. But I have been able to talk to Renita Abary, Evelyn Nazareth, Eloisa Dizon, thanks to the directory listing. I tried to phone Sari a few times before, but without success. Also to Lourdes Morada, as a followup to Sari's connection with her, but so far no reply. Anyway, keep up with the good work, anEbb,
11.From Nati: I know you don't need any more compliments, but here's mine anyway. Actually, what you deserve is an ACCOLADE for the magnificent job you have done in creating and maintaining our BLOG that is now enjoyed by all of us. "Huli man daw at magaling, naihahabol pa rin", so they say (by people much older than us...much, much older!).
Every now and then I join the the talk, but that doesn't give me an excuse not to thank you for making it possible for all of us to talk, to laugh, to sing and most of all --- to bond. Your job isn't easy, and that makes it even more deserving of our gratitude and appreciation. You're the ultimate artist, no doubt about that.
And since this is too long a piece for the Comment Section of the BLOG, I'm taking the liberty of expressing to you and those who helped in creating our BLOG my gratitude and appreciation (Puri: for your literary talent. Your write-ups are always moving and inspiring. I can't tell you how many times I've read your article about Hana and her late husband, Corky. Sari: you must have missed your true calling in life. You should have been a detective. I can't say you did your work under cloak and dagger, but I certainly got the shock of my life when you called. Judging by the ease you seem to have done it, you would have made not just a good detective, but a detective-sergeant, or even a superintendent of the police force by now. Cherrie: Ah, "Cher Ami", what can I say to you that you didn't know yet. I'm sure your job wasn't an easy one either. Thank you for your most sensible thoughts.
I hope I didn't miss acknowledging anybody else for our BLOG. In closing, Ebb, THANKS again. May our BLOG grow even bigger and bind us even closer to one another.
12. From Eloi: I heartily concur with Puri and Cherrie, although I do not write much,words do not come easy to me, I do really enjoy and look forward to the blog. I appreciate the dedication of EBB in nurturing the blog.
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