On February 20, 2010, our HS Class of 1960 celebrated our Jubilee in conjunction with the 79th PWU Homecoming and Alumni Reunion. This milestone is now but a memory - one that will live on. The stage was set not a year ago or even 25 years ago, but the day after we graduated, and so in varying degrees of separation, we all moved on. Since then, many were “LOST” and still are, a few left us forever ,and still others stayed on , continuing what was started so long ago, knitting relationships far and near and elevating’ CLASSMATE’ into a profound term of endearment. We profess our APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE:
• To those, who on that momentous day at DusitThani, had faith to forge ahead towards ‘a year of magical thinking.’
• To the VISIONARY who saw the beauty and promise of BALI HAI , nurtured and crafted it to a most fitting and splendid conclusion,
• To those who “FOUND” us,
• To those who exuded grace and serenity, focus and energy - amidst the clamor of a thousand and one things,
• To those who were voices of caution and reason, wisdom and sensitivity,
• To those whose everyday actions spoke of compassion and generosity; inspirations to us all,
• To those who made us laugh,
• To the Messenger of SUNSHINE, to those who visited and tended our sick, gave solace and comfort even if only for the briefest of time - to those who are now gone,
• To those who brought joy and camaraderie to the mini reunions, as they chatted away,
• To those who shared knowledge and information, life experiences and lessons learned to enlighten us all,
• To those who challenged us, made us pause and reflect,
• To those who had an abundance of goodwill, patience and loving concern, to those always ready to extend a helping hand,
• To the “GREAT”one, on whom honorifics were heaped on, you deserved them all,
• To those who shared pictures unearthed from dusty trunks bringing us back to bygone days, to those who posted them and tried their very best to place a name on every face,
• To those who sent greetings and wishes, e-mails galore,
• To those who gave selflessly of their talents and treasure, their gift of precious time in the face of consuming demands of busy lives,
• To those who in their own quiet ways supported and cheered us on,
• To those who let their fingers do the walking, sent thoughtful cards on our behalf,
• For your abiding and enduring FRIENDSHIPS,
• To the BIONIC GAL who created http://pwuclass1960.blogspot.com//, our very own firecracker – hot zone of wonder and fun , with art and apt quotations, articles that bridged the gaps, and bios that helped us “know” each other again,
• To those who kept her busy,
• To our resident ‘MAKATA’, VISUAL ARTISTS and WRITERS whose incredible talents, added texture and richness to the BLOGSPOT, CD and MEMORY BOOK,
• To those whose deft touches, uncommon imaginations and pursuit of a singular goal put all the above together,
• To the ELEGANT LADY for the beautiful gift of leis,
• To those who forwarded the ‘forwards’, to our utter delight and glee,
• To those who joined us in spirit, and sent us along our merry ways, with wishes for safe and happy trips,
• To those who lined up our activities and made arrangements for same, provided for us so we can arrive in comfort and safety,
• To a most gracious host who invited us to her home for practice and to break bread together--- a feast for body and soul,
• To a most generous host who opened wide her door, so we can have a place to rest our weary feet and lay down our heads,
• To us all, for the sheer excitement and pleasure of each other’s company, just for being --- HERE!
• To our ‘lost’ classmates and the dearly departed, for the time we spent with you 50 years ago. You are remembered.
Our GOLDEN REUNION – a fellowship that will stay with us forever, bind us ever tighter; wherever we are, whatever we do, wherever we go. HOW BLESSED ARE WE!
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