"Pursuing what we want to do and achieving your goal is not like finding the burning bush or discovering a gold mine. There are usually no epiphanies, no sudden reversals of fortune. Fulfillment comes in fits and starts.....Fulfillment comes in many guises, and it can come to us in our lives at any time.....But only we can make sure we will be fulfilled. If we feel empty, no amount of water can fill our well. It has to come from within, from the underground springs and streams." '- Mary Morris

SOMETHING OLD#1: For me, my junior year was the most memorable. While others had been popular with their academic achievements and many extra curricular activities, I was always in the background. Wena said...."Why did you hide your artistic talents while in high school?" Actually I didn't. I showcased my talent in quiet ways. Many of you didn't know that during our junior I had been busy designing and sketching lots of bulletin board displays for our home room teacher Mrs. Prudencia Sanchez. These art projects were mostly for our classroom. When she had to leave the classroom, I was always assigned to write on the blackboard for the class to copy. She saw my artistic potentials and beautiful handwriting.I never expected that she would reward my artistic efforts. One day, I was surprised to hear my name called during the "Recognition Day." I was so happy and inspired because that's the only "award" I received from high school. That was a turning point in my life and without a doubt, I wanted to be an artist someday. I'd like to also give credit to my mother who was my real inspiration for becoming an artist. She was a Home Economics expert, very creative, and resourceful. She was my biggest fan. Let's go back to Mrs. Sanchez. Later she wrote something on my autograph book, which I still have. No wonder she became my favorite teacher. I'd like to share it with you all.
(March 19,1959) "My dear Evelyn, You've been a very helpful girl to me-for that I'll always remember you. I hope to have girls like you in the next years to come. You've impressed me, too. With those qualities-diligence, conscientiousness, simplicity and fine manners-which you possess. Keep up your good work and heaven bless you!
SOMETHING OLD#2: After h.s. graduation I pursued Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines. I saw some high school classmates like Flor Alcantara & Raquel Tadena during my general education years at the Arts & Sciences. I didn't bump into Eloi, Sari & Cora, although they went to U.P. too. During my Fine Arts years, Yolly Bello Pajaro and Lydia Aunario were my classmates. I also saw Linda Chacon hanging around because her old b.f. was also taking Fine Arts. I graduated w/ a major in Advertising and Editorial Design. I worked for various advertising companies in Manila like Grant Advertising and Outdoor Advertising. Then I taught art education (elemetary levels) for a year at Grace Christian High School (Chinese school in Quezon City) prior to immigrating to the U.S. in 1969).
SOMETHING NEW#1:Crossing the Pacific Ocean via Pan-Am, I found my new love and life in the United States. I met my Filipino husband Rhod during Halloween at a friend's birthday party in Santa Monica, California. I was a natural looking "Eve" without a mask and costume. He was not wearing a costume either. He was just a plain "Hot Rod" type. He's an electronic engineer. He immigrated to the United States with his parents, sisters & brothers, when he was only 15 years old. He's a Filipino but have a very good American accent. By now, many of you know that I married a young hunk four years younger than me. I have no regrets and enjoy being a "cub-cougar." We are happily married for 38 years now. (Left photo) - This was our latest formal photo taken during our recent cruise with Queen Mary 2 last July 4th.
SOMETHING NEW#2-Career, marriage and family, I had them all. My graphic art career was short. With 4 successive babies I decided to be a full-time time mom. We are blessed with three sons and one daughter. When our youngest son was in kindergarten I decided to be a working mother and got back the graphic art job I left behind after a decade. The photo on the right side was my favorite mom and daughter picture. This was taken when I was 53 years old and Joy at 19 years old. Sorry, no latest photo
with our other children:
SOMETHING NEW#2-Career, marriage and family, I had them all. My graphic art career was short. With 4 successive babies I decided to be a full-time time mom. We are blessed with three sons and one daughter. When our youngest son was in kindergarten I decided to be a working mother and got back the graphic art job I left behind after a decade. The photo on the right side was my favorite mom and daughter picture. This was taken when I was 53 years old and Joy at 19 years old. Sorry, no latest photo
1. Rodney(eldest son)-Graphic artist and Information Technology
2.Joy(daughter)-student(Cinema Art)
Our joy and inspiration.
SIMON: 12 years old and Audrey: 9 years old
It is really you become bionic woman same like in Bionic woman tv show. If it is then it is very surprising.