Dear fellow PWU High School 1960ers,
First let me greet Tessie Lonzame Marzan,Cirila Vito Lynch and Vicky Saldana Gruela belated happy birthday! May you have many joyous birthdays to come.
My husband Heinz and I arrived back here in Karlsruhe, Germany last 3/3. Ok naman ang trip-now am back here, no more jet lag but "Aloha", "Bali Hai" and Hukilau" are still ringing in my ears. Was really a very unforgettable reunion. Masaya to be with you all from the Philippines as well as from abroad. This was indicated by the fact na everytime we met ayaw ko ng umuwi! Memorable because:
Kumareng Puri had her mother-in-law Mrs. Dolly Laconico (our commencement speaker in March 1960!), her son Nikki (our Bali Hai horn blower), daughter-in-law Charmagne, apos Tara and Loren as happy talkers, daughter Samantha (Bloody Mary's daughter) and of course husband Ramon Laconico all time entertainer. On top of that she got Romy our patient choreographer and Cheche Lazaro a luminary as our moderator. Titus was also very helpful. The tree-planting at Munting Paraiso with sister Nati was quite an experience. Sister Mel will surely be very active in the PWUAA.
Gerry- whose staff and duplex house were always available for rehearsals since january 8, video-filming by Tristan, Mumu making, paper work, office space and facilities, merienda, convenient accomodations for balikbayans and and and. Nice to see your Mom so well cared for, nakakainggit! Tnx also to Ms. Flora Tigno for making us all beautiful in the center fold. Gerry, kindly send to Lita this email of mine by photocopy since her computer is not in order. Thanks.
Celia our valeditorian pambato was so cute especially with her apos as happy talkers. Thanks too for the Tagaytay escapo, naisip mo lahat together with yaya and driver to make our stay enjoyable!
Lani who made it possible to have as surprise guest at Rockwell none other than Dolphy, a celebrity known even by our generation. Tamang tama sa golden jubilarians. Even the long-absent balikbayans know Dolphy, di ba? Thanks also for the Tagaytay escapo. Just like Celia you, your charming sister-in-law and helpers thought of everything including charging the cellphones!
Lita-BIG THANKS for my sundo-hatid in all the rehearsals! Pls. thank also Vicky and driver. Really miss not only the reunion but also our rehearsals. Lita together with Puri are our pambato as Bayanihan originals! Galing talaga ang production. No wonder Mrs. Amelou B. Reyes said (Pls. see video) our reunion would be hard to beat. Plus the organizational talents belonging to our class, totoo nga. Hope your tranfer proceeded smoothly and are happy where you are.
Gloria Villareal-Boren and Carmen Exconde G's merienda ang sarap.Nice to have Carmen's apo and daughter join us too. Also meeting John Boren,
Cora Fausto Gatchalian-our Master of ceremonies and career woman up to now. Parang wine, the older the better! Thanks for the Upper East reunion, also to Gene!
Prescy-thanks for the support from your heavy equipment!
Sylvia- our Filipinesca pambato-Thanks to you, your Mom, husband and daughter such hospitality! Was nice to see Mrs. Estrella so active ! Masarap especially the sans rival.Ganda din the apos singing "Happy talk"
Yoly-your shoes are not only for walking but also for supporting our reunion!
Cynthia Ugalde Tan-Our Miss Philippines pambato.
Ening Annie Poblete- Belair reunions: lunch and birthday . Tnx also to your sister and brother-in-law. also for the videos you sent. Beautiful place.
Dory for gracing our reunion every year, walang patid.
To the Balikbayans:
Linda Chacon Baisas- Thanks for thinking of Dusit Thani, walang masasabi di ba?
Sari- for thinking of everything as you were still in NYC: mini reunions, big search, addresses, whereabout, beloved teachers, driving in MetroManila (bilib talaga ako), "now photo"-hunting, orange scarves for all dancers tig- dalawa pa, etc etc.
Cherrie-Glad you made it. Thanks for all your support and follow ups even in Florida. Hope you had a nice time in Canada. Bday greetings to your Mom, Best regards to Bob and Tessa.
Eloisa Dizon Farrales-Great to meet you again and also your husband. Wishing you both more success in your medical mission work in the Philippines!
Evelyn Nazareth and daughter -my classmate for 8 years- high school and BS Chem. Looking forward to your daughter's impressions of the reunion.
Evelyne D. R. Thanks for the Blog: Munting Alaala!
Renita- Nice you stayed longer, so glad to see you at Ening's March 1.
Marlene-Nice to meet you and husband after all these years since I visited you in 1965 in SF. Hope you both got to see a lot of the Pilippines as you had wished.
Tessie Lonzame Marzan- hope you both got home safely.Thanks for all your advise.
Roselani- Bilib ako sa husband, very patient. Mine decided to be in his cocoon this time. Some people think my husband is only in my imagination. My only witness is Cherry Silva who personally got to talk to him. Cherrie can say he exists!
Tessie Castro Puri- Nice to meet your relative Mrs. Amalia Cruz Callan of London!
Lilia Villa our Bicol connection- thanks for the pili! Wishing you success in the elections.
Marilin Fernandez Arellano-Come visit Germany. Our Tel. 0721 886985 or 0721 6699579. Pls ask operator for area code for Germany where ever you are. Most countries have area code 0049 for Germany. Address is H. and P. Staub- Fischerstr. 10 Karlsruhe 76199 Germany. So glad you and your family came. Tnx for the support. Your 18 year old is really a wonder kid. What my classmates can accomplish! Regards to all.
Sonia Alvarez- also Bicol connection. Keep us informed of your copra business! So nice to see you dancing away!
Lourdes Morada who came quietly all the way from Maryland to grace the ocassion.
Martha Ocampo Soriano-I regret I missed you at the reunion sa dami ng tao. Anyway thanks, my efforts to invite you thru slow mail and cellphone (to Cabanatuan) worked.
For all the balikbayans and from far away provinces so nice you just blended so well in the dances!
To all who could not come Thanks for the support:
Tessie ocampo, Thanks for your PWU facade which graced the souvenir program cover. Together with sister Nati thanks for the financial support. Also to Girlie Rivera and Carole Horilleno Rasco. Thanks to Hana Gomez Trinidad also Bayanihan original, for the beautiful leis and bracelets from Hawaii. The videofilm will prove it.
To our beloved teachers:
Mrs. Valentina Aragon Bonifacio, Mrs. Lydia V. Marcos, Mrs. Lourdes S. Villaflor and Mrs. Pura Sacro Badoy THANKS for coming to our reunion! Mrs. Bonifacio came also to Sylvia's party! What an honor! Miss Julia Calixto could not come because of health reasons. However the Phil group sent her a greeting card in December with best wishes.
Mrs. Sacro Badoy volunteered to submit names of our dearly departed classmate to the PWU chapel for prayers, namely for: Lourdes Reyes, Presiosa Conde, Carmencita Juan, Aurora Camacho, Saturnina Arellano, Joselita Agustin, Perla Barretto, Louella Duran, Zenaida Matanguihan, Georgina Hernandez, Amparo Lejano, and Carmen Farraga. May they rest in peace!
In summary, we have 135 classmates pictured in our 1960 PWU annual. Twelve are confirmed to have passed on. Thirty one came to the PWU reunion last Feb. 20, 2010. We surely miss Lulu Fuentes Pagulayan, Ginny Golding Ricafort, Olive Abella, Corazon Bobby de los Santos, Wenefrida Noble Bayro, CirilaVito Lynch, Vicky Saldana Gruela, Aurora Villanueva Agelion and many more. Next time please come and join the bonding.
Sorry how I wished I could write this in pure Pilipino or in pure English. But I cannot deny I belong to this generation of expressing oneself "mix mix". Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed putting together my humble thoughts about the recent reunion.
God bless,