By Rose Lani Blancaflor Mariano
One of my very good friend from high school is Carole Horilleno. In our group of “lakwatseras” there were five of us, Tessie (Girlie) Rivera, Carole, Belinda Carino, Louella Duran (now deceased), and myself. As Girlie puts it, we have it all in our group. Girlie remaines single, Carole a divorcee, Belinda a single mother, Louella a widower, and I, the happily married one.
My quiet and very private friend Carole got married right after high school graduation, and had a daughter at age 16. Carole married her childhood sweetheart, Egay (Ricardo Crespo) and together they have six children, four daughters and two sons. When Egay decided to leave for the United States to seek greener pasture, Carole was left alone with six very young children to care for. It was a very difficult situation for a young mother. I was one of the very few people who witnessed how Carole hanged on to a ship that was floating in turbulent waters. Amidst all the trials and tribulations, Carole’s strong faith and trust in God was her mighty weapon to overcome them all.
After many years of long separation, Carole and Egay’s long distance relationship ended in a divorce. However, Carole and Egay remained good friends. Their children are all accomplished in their own careers. Three kids are in the United States, and three daughters are in Metro Manila. Carole has 15 grandchildren, the eldest being 30 years old, and she also 3 great grandkids.

Carole is now known as Carole Rasco. To honor her mother, she dropped her last given name and changed it into Rasco, her mother’s surname. Carole is retired, however, she is currently working as a Consultant at the Blaine Elementary School in Chicago.
Carole, Belinda, Girlie, and I continue to be close despite our geographical distances. The four of us have a kind of friendship that will go on forever. Once a friend, always a friend. Carole taught me how to go through life with less anxiety. She is a friend that you could always count on, one who would listen with such care and concern. With Carole there is no holding back. Whether I am up or down or somewhere in between, Carole is one person that I can always relate to. I thank God for my wonderful and beautiful high school friends.
I know Carole. We were neighbors in Paco, Manila in the early 50s. I belong to the Valdez family. In Paco, there were the Lantin family, the Paralejas family, Lantins, and Crespos. I knew Egay, Mario, and Tony Crespo.