Written by Puri: "Hushhhhhhhhhhhhushhh………… she’s only sixty five !!!!!!! They were planning & plotting together to take me by surprise !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes…several months of phone avoidance and quick hang ups on my phone calls dreading for slip ups especially from tattletales. Their nervous link was Yvonne who opposed all my plans to accommodate what was to transpire.
Never in my life did I aspire nor expect such lavish manifestations of affection stemming from great sacrifices of dropping everything off to hop on the plane to greet me by SURPRISE !!!!!!!
Quel& Carlos from Madrid, Mel from Manila, Nati from Chicago including all her children and their significant others. My brother Nato& Chiqui from Half Moon Bay, Another brother Lel from Mundelein, Ill and Dr. Nina Baker of NYC with her girls.
Day 1 was Dec 6th, Sat, 2 days before my birthday. Sammy asked me to order food for 30 and I said, did Dad invite the neighbors? Darn...I was in the middle of hanging Christmas garlands and wreaths in every door entry & salons inside 875 Plaza Drive, San Jose. There was a knock on the door, oh..I thought it was a Fedex delivery…but the noise was familiar. Then in tiptoed Nats gingerly then all the rest followed. It was like a magician's hat with rabbits jumping out of the hat in two’s and three’s and four’s ! What a RIOT!
Sunday Dec 8th was the planned luncheon at Alido’s Filipino Restaurant in South San Francisco.Marzipan Cake from Pilar and floral bouquets from Tina marked joint milestones for Nats and I. Her being 60 (ssshhh) on Dec. 13th. Our laughter and noise reached high decibels we had to leave the place. We moved on to Nato & Chiqui’s B&B in Half Moon Bay. We barely caught our breath when still another surprise unfolded,a movie documentary titled “ Ate and Nats..This is For You”, produced by our sailor brother Nato…..which we viewed in his wide screen TV. It was a collection of photos along memory lane when we were just kids who became teens, on to parenthood and now to grandparenthood. It was a trip from our early beginnings that transported us to where we are now. He even remembered our favorite songs for background music, the pensive,”Send In The Clowns” for me and the festive“ Dancing Queen “ for Nats. All that was capped with another birthday cake from Yvonne & Sophie & Lisa.
On my real bday Dec 8th Monday, we invaded Santana Row in San Jose then all went for dimsum at SINO. Now everyone wants to go back there for more….and hopefully there will be more. This enormous surprise giftbox bestowed upon me had no price tag, a carte blanche that no bailout can afford to redeem……its a wondrous gift of love and devotion instilled in us by our beloved parents Inay and Tatay. We all thank them everyday.

Never in my life did I aspire nor expect such lavish manifestations of affection stemming from great sacrifices of dropping everything off to hop on the plane to greet me by SURPRISE !!!!!!!
Quel& Carlos from Madrid, Mel from Manila, Nati from Chicago including all her children and their significant others. My brother Nato& Chiqui from Half Moon Bay, Another brother Lel from Mundelein, Ill and Dr. Nina Baker of NYC with her girls.
Day 1 was Dec 6th, Sat, 2 days before my birthday. Sammy asked me to order food for 30 and I said, did Dad invite the neighbors? Darn...I was in the middle of hanging Christmas garlands and wreaths in every door entry & salons inside 875 Plaza Drive, San Jose. There was a knock on the door, oh..I thought it was a Fedex delivery…but the noise was familiar. Then in tiptoed Nats gingerly then all the rest followed. It was like a magician's hat with rabbits jumping out of the hat in two’s and three’s and four’s ! What a RIOT!
Sunday Dec 8th was the planned luncheon at Alido’s Filipino Restaurant in South San Francisco.Marzipan Cake from Pilar and floral bouquets from Tina marked joint milestones for Nats and I. Her being 60 (ssshhh) on Dec. 13th. Our laughter and noise reached high decibels we had to leave the place. We moved on to Nato & Chiqui’s B&B in Half Moon Bay. We barely caught our breath when still another surprise unfolded,a movie documentary titled “ Ate and Nats..This is For You”, produced by our sailor brother Nato…..which we viewed in his wide screen TV. It was a collection of photos along memory lane when we were just kids who became teens, on to parenthood and now to grandparenthood. It was a trip from our early beginnings that transported us to where we are now. He even remembered our favorite songs for background music, the pensive,”Send In The Clowns” for me and the festive“ Dancing Queen “ for Nats. All that was capped with another birthday cake from Yvonne & Sophie & Lisa.
On my real bday Dec 8th Monday, we invaded Santana Row in San Jose then all went for dimsum at SINO. Now everyone wants to go back there for more….and hopefully there will be more. This enormous surprise giftbox bestowed upon me had no price tag, a carte blanche that no bailout can afford to redeem……its a wondrous gift of love and devotion instilled in us by our beloved parents Inay and Tatay. We all thank them everyday.
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